


Eclipse, originally uploaded by Kiel Bryant.

From the MGM movie "Forbidden Planet."

Fifty Years Ago Today - June 26, 1960

Fifty Years Ago Today - June 26, 1960 - Six-minute message received by Jodrell Bank, England, was last communication received from PIONEER V, then 22.5 million miles from earth moving at a relative velocity of 21,000 mph. Since March 11 when launched, PIONEER V traveled some 180 million miles, and it would fly 18 million miles closer to the sun than any manmade object.


Fifty Years Ago Today - June 22, 1960

Fifty Years Ago Today - June 22, 1960 - Navy TRANSIT II-A, an experimental navigation satellite with two payloads (navigation and radiation measurement), successfully launched into orbit by Thor-Able-Star vehicle. This was the first time that two instrumented satellites have been placed into orbit at the same time.

Fifty Years Ago Today - June 22, 1960

Fifty Years Ago Today - June 22, 1960 - Navy TRANSIT II-A, an experimental navigation satellite with two payloads (navigation and radiation measurement), successfully launched into orbit by Thor-Able-Star vehicle. This was the first time that two instrumented satellites have been placed into orbit at the same time.


Fifty Years Ago Today - June 15, 1960

Fifty Years Ago Today - June 15, 1960 - Saturn static test firing of 121 seconds successful at MSFC.


Tin Litho Atomic Ray Gun on eBay

Atomic Ray Gun Space Rifle w/Orig Box
She's going, going, gone tomorrow! Isn't she a beauty? Now why can't I have nice, completely unnecessary things like this in my home?

The Spaceman Cometh

Richards02.jpg, originally uploaded by leifpeng.

Collier's Magazine
Illustrated by Walter Richards
November 1955

Be sure to click the link and then select all sizes. Wish the rest of the story was here as well!


1950's Envisionment of the Personal PC

It's really quite accurate. I mean as far as the computer I'm using right now, it's almost this sophisticated.

In hindsight, I really wish I'd opted for the steering wheel feature though...

Rocket Scientist

Dr. Werner Von Braun with model of rocket rover
Photographer: Ralph Crane
by the photographers of LIFE magazine


Fifty Years Ago Today - June 8, 1960

Fifty Years Ago Today - June 8, 1960 - Complete eight-engine static firing of Saturn successfully conducted for 110 seconds at MSFC, the longest firing to date.

- XLR-99 engine mounted in X-15 (No. 3) during test-stand runs by the contractor exploded, which damaged aircraft but did not injure contractor's test pilot in the cockpit.


The Green Girl

greengirl, originally uploaded by twincovercollector.

Vintage paperback The Green Girl
Avon Fantasy Novel Number 2.
by Jack Williamson
Published by Avon in 1950
Cover artist unknown