

The Complete Book of Outer Space

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The Complete Book of Outer Space

Edited by Jeffrey Logan
Illustrator Frank R. Paul et al.
Cover artist Chesley Bonestell
Published by Maco Magazine Corp. (book form by Gnome Press)
Publication date 1953
144 pages
Originally priced for $.75

  1. Preface, by Kenneth MacLeish
  2. "A Preview of the Future: Introduction", by Jeffrey Logan
  3. "Development of the Space Ship", by Willy Ley
  4. "Station in Space", by Wernher von Braun
  5. "Space Medicine", by Heinz Haber
  6. "Space Suits", by Donald H. Menzel
  7. "The High Altitude Program", by Robert P. Haviland
  8. "History of the Rocket Engine", by James H. Wyld
  9. "Legal Aspects of Space Travel", by Oscar Schachter
  10. "Exploitation of the Moon", by Hugo Gernsback
  11. "Life Beyond the Earth", by Willy Ley
  12. "Interstellar Flight", by Leslie R. Shepard
  13. "The Spaceship in Science Fiction", by Jeffrey Logan
  14. "Plea for a Coordinated Space Program", by Wernher von Braun
  15. "The Flying Saucer Myth", by Jeffrey Logan
  16. "The Panel of Experts"
  17. "Chart of the Moon Voyage"
  18. "Chart of the Voyage to Mars"
  19. "Timetables and Weights"
  20. "A Space Travel Dictionary"
Profusely illustrated with photos and drawings, published both as a paperback magazine and a hardbound book. A collection of essays about space exploration, life beyond Earth and flying saucers.

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